We are a community of creators, builders, and leaders supporting each other and growing together.

Since 2021, we've built a culture of curiosity and psychological safety for mid-to-advanced career individuals. Whether you're seeking new connections in your field, feedback on a new venture, or a space to process and activate your purpose, Equalls creates the opportunity to expand your thinking and open new doors.

Our Cohorts

  • The Agency and Consultancy Cohort, was founded in March of 2020 and has grown to include members across a variety of consulting disciplines as a means to provide support, build connections, hold space for tough topics, and continue our personal development through the support of peers facing similar challenges and opportunities.

    Monthly meetings discuss growth, culture, new business, operations, current events, and peer support.

  • Our Cross Disciplinary Cohort was created for mid-career individuals seeking peers to share and collaborate with as they grow. This group connects fellow seekers and leaders around the globe to discuss career advancement, feedback on current projects, and to explore what's going on in the world through the eyes of your peers. We meet once a month for member-led discussions that range in theme from the deeply personal to career and professional topics.

  • Do you have an idea for a cohort that matches your interests and network? We are happy to explore more and find ways to bring more connections together.

    Get in touch to tell us what you’re thinking.

Get in touch…

If you’d like to join one of our existing cohorts or chat with us about starting a new one in your field, we’d be happy to chat.